The National Indian Health Board’s Brain Health Learning Community Informational Webinar

May 26, 2021
02:00PM - 02:45PM

All Times Eastern

NIHB is creating a Brain Health Learning Community that will meet bi-monthly to discuss the Roadmap for Indian Country strategies, and approaches to addressing Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias.

In order to create a learning community that works best for its participants, we are hosting an informational webinar on May 19th, 2021 from 2:00-2:45pm EST. The webinar will provide a brief overview of what to expect from learning community meetings, and leave open space for discussion and recommendations from participants.

The intended audience of this learning community is passionate Tribal public health professionals, healthcare providers, and concerned community members that wish to learn more about addressing Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias in their community.


For questions about registration or other please contact Sara Zdunek at (202) 507-4077 or